God’s Promises

Welcome to the Mindful Monday 2023 series where the goal is to highlight different ways to be more intentional for the purpose of self-development and personal growth.

Happy August! Let’s turn our attention to a new topic for the next few weeks: Scripture that can give us comfort while going through trials and hardships, even persecution. The verses I’ve chosen for the coming posts are based on where I personally go in scripture when I’m experiencing my own trials, but I also know that these will be very relevant for some of you reading because I have listened to your struggles, talked with you about your heartaches, and prayed for you regularly.

May these devotions be helpful as you navigate through conflicts and trials.

1 Bible verse, 2 thoughts, and 3 questions to help us be mindful of our souls throughout the week. Let’s embark on this mindful journey together!

1 Verse

10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Isaiah 55:10-11 (KJV)

2 Thoughts

  1. When reading this passage recently, I realized how often I take for granted that it will rain when it needs to rain. I have lived in certain parts of the world that has experienced drier than needed conditions, especially summertime in the south. Often, the farmers struggle with too wet or too dry conditions for their crop to produce. Now, I live in a place that seems like it is always wet with rain or snow, so it is even easier to take for granted that it will rain. Overall, I have always expected, and never questioned, that it will rain again at some point.
  2. We need to have that same assurance with God’s word and the promises He has provided in His word. They will not return unto Him void. God’s promises are as sure as it will rain or snow again. If we do not believe His promises proclaimed in His word, maybe it is uncomfortable and scary to hear that His promises will be fulfilled. But when we are faithful, knowing that He keeps His promises is just the assurance we need to get through difficult situations.

3 Questions

  1. What is your favorite promise from God found in scripture?
  2. Locate some accounts in scripture where people have had such faith in God.
  3. How much do you believe it will rain again? Do you believe in God’s promises that much?

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Quick note of appreciation:

The Mindful Soul is dedicated to providing sound mental health related information from a sound Biblical perspective. Every member of The Mindful Soul community is appreciated for the support that keeps this website active.

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