God’s family

Welcome to the Mindful Monday 2023 series where the goal is to highlight different ways to be more intentional for the purpose of self-development and personal growth.

Happy August! Let’s turn our attention to a new topic for the next few weeks: Scripture that can give us comfort while going through trials and hardships, even persecution. The verses I’ve chosen for the coming posts are based on where I personally go in scripture when I’m experiencing my own trials, but I also know that these will be very relevant for some of you reading because I have listened to your struggles, talked with you about your heartaches, and prayed for you regularly. God’s family is such a blessing, because we can support each other through these difficult times in life.

May these devotions be helpful as you navigate through conflicts and trials.

1 Bible verse, 2 thoughts, and 3 questions to help us be mindful of our souls throughout the week. Let’s embark on this mindful journey together!

1 Verse

29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s,

30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.

Mark 10:29-30 (KJV)

2 Thoughts

  1. This passage is after Jesus told the rich, young ruler to sell everything he had and follow him. After the rich young ruler went away grieved because he had so many possessions, Jesus turns to his disciples and made comments about the difficulties for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of heaven. The disciples thought He was saying you cannot be rich and believe in Him. That is not what he meant. Peter spoke up and said “Lo, we have left all, and have followed Thee.” And Jesus then explains the blessings one will get when they follow Him.
  2. Jesus never promises that we will have an easy time in this world. To the contrary, following Him is hard and it will come with suffering and persecutions, however He makes sure to bless us along the way to heaven if we stay faithful. Our spiritual family is bound together by the blood of Christ, this is the most important family we have on this earth. Even if it is hard and sacrifices have to be made, stick with the brethren and do what’s right. Jesus promised His disciples blessings on earth (an hundredfold) along with eternal life, and we are His disciples when we follow Him.

3 Questions

  1. What can you do right now to prioritize God’s family in your life?
  2. What earthly family are you missing whether it’s due to death, estrangement, long distance?
  3. Who at your local congregation can be a surrogate for you in this way? Missing a parent, child, aunt, uncle, grandfather, sister, brother, cousin? Is there a parent, child, aunt, uncle, grandfather, sister, brother, cousin in your local church you can go to? What can you do to foster this relationship with someone in your congregation? Practice this and you will be blessed!

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Quick note of appreciation:

The Mindful Soul is dedicated to providing sound mental health related information from a sound Biblical perspective. Every member of The Mindful Soul community is appreciated for the support that keeps this website active.

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