Old Testament Bible Personalities: Solomon

King Solomon: The INTJ


Logical decision makers, high standards for themselves and others, value knowledge


efficient, independent, smart, strategic, rational, objective


may seem to lack empathy, can be overly critical of themselves and others, can appear overbearing and close-minded

*Information for personality types has largely been derived from a culmination of my own study from a variety of locations, however for this series, I heavily rely on the MBTI Manual published by CPP and the following: Briggs Myers, Isabel (2015, 7th ed). Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type: A Guide to Understanding Your Results on the MBTI Assessment. USA: CPP, Inc & The Myers Briggs Co. *Disclaimer: Using the MBTI to speculate personality type of Bible characters is only a jumping off point for further discussion and learning from them.

Solomon in the Bible

  • Reigned from 970-931 BC
  • reigned during “the Golden Age” of Israel
  • Last king under united Israel
  • had 700 wives/ 300 concubines
  • penned Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Proverbs
  • character derived from his writings plus accounts in 2 Samual, 1 Kings, and 2 Chronicles

Solomon’s background

  • David and Bathsheba’s 2nd born son
  • had 3 younger full brothers and multiple half siblings
  • had the temple built
  • requested wisdom from God
  • God blessed him richly in material wealth in addition to bestowing wisdom
  • Married foreign women
  • Dabbled in mysticism, magic, wizardry
  • Built altars to false gods for his foreign wives

Solomon’s character

Because of his noble and wise request for wisdom, God also provided for him materially and physically, making Solomon the wealthiest person in the world.

Solomon may be known as being a wise and “good” king, but he did not fulfill his earthly duty to serve God faithfully.

Photo by Mohan Reddy Atalu on Pexels.com

He broke multiple commands given by God (married foreign women, dabbled in mysticism and magic, bragged about his wealth to other nations, was idolatrous and built altars to false gods for his many wives). He also lived extravagantly and continuously sought pleasures his entire life for the sake of experimentation.

From a secular standpoint, he was a powerful, successful, and wealthy king who reigned during the “Golden Age.” Peace was in the land, and he used that time to have the temple built in all its extravagance, but this outward success is not a sign of inward godliness.

Solomon was:

  • wise
  • knowledgeable
  • powerful
  • thirsty for knowledge
  • deeply curious
  • academic
  • analytical
  • pursued pleasure as an experiment
  • interested and drawn to the fine things in life
  • sought meaningful experiences
  • a complex problem solver
  • driven by his own original ideas
  • sought to achieve constant improvements in himself, in his nation
  • interested in high standards
  • logical
  • calculating
  • on a quest for knowledge and experience that replaced the importance of the commandments of God
  • pretentious
  • boastful and/or arrogant
  • compromised much to keep the peace

Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Luke 12:27

Life as king

Perhaps one of the most well known accounts from Solomon’s life as king of Israel was the account of the 2 women with the one baby found in 1 Kings 3:16-28. Two women had babies, one of the babies died.

The mother whose baby died kidnapped the other baby. The mothers ended up before the king to solve the problem. He suggested that they cut the baby in half. The real mother then protested stating that the thieving mother could keep the baby. This let Solomon know who was the real mother.

This incident widely astounded the people, who proclaimed Solomon’s wisdom all over the land. Solomon also built the temple of God which is documented in 1 Kings 6.

Life as a father

We do not get much information about the exact relationship Solomon had with his children. However, we can see multiple incidences where Solomon pens advice down and directs it toward his son or his children. Proverbs 4 is one such chapter of his wise instruction to his children. He tells them to not forsake wisdom and to keep away from evil.

If we only read Proverbs 4, it seems like we have some wonderful advice from a loving father. Who does not want to read such wonderful words from their father? However, to see how he actually implemented this advice in his own life or even how he followed through with helping his son implement this advice is another story.

Like in the Song of Solomon, a book he penned about staying faithful to the wife of your youth, it appears as if he did not heed his own advice (700 wives and 300 concubines). He did not keep away from evil; he liked magic, magicians, and he allowed all forms of idolatry to run rampant in his palace and in his nation.

His great experiment to find fulfillment in the knowledge he pursued was at the expense of his soul.

Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, reigned in Judah (the first king of the divided kingdom), and he was a wicked king. He also seemed to hold a grudge against his father for not doing more during his reign.

The kingdom fell apart after Solomon’s reign. Was he more concerned with peace and prosperity, knowledge and wisdom, than he was with keeping God’s commandments, and with the fate of the nation?

The overall lesson

The overall lesson I learn from the life of Solomon is that knowing right and doing right are two different things. I will not find happiness or contentment in anything outside of God’s will. I need to remind myself to seek God first in all I do and keep His commandments.

Solomon’s quest for knowledge overpowered his faithfulness to God’s commands, and he treated his life like a great experiment to determine what could fulfill him. More than any one else living, we can see that Solomon could have had anything he wanted. He was also able to have as many resources available to him as he wanted, and he still could not find happiness or contentment because he chose to go outside the boundaries of God’s commandments.

Any time we do that we are gambling with our eternity.

Solomon knew the meaning of life, but I’m not sure he ever found satisfaction or fulfillment in knowing it.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13 

Growth Tips

I pick growth tips with the specific character, as well as the specific personality type in mind, but they are relevant for us all.

Take a break

When I think about Solomon, I picture a Merlin type figure deep in his study, books all around, deep in thought about some new perspective or fact he has come across. He was deeply curious and expended all of his energy searching for the next thing to fulfill his ever constant and nagging curiousity. Everything was a puzzle for him that needed solving.

From solving the puzzle

Those that share Solomon’s unquenchable desire for more knowledge and understanding may not take time to take care of themselves or their loved ones, they may reject their basic needs for a time in their pursuit, and they may tend to get deeply engrossed on what project they are currently working and forget other aspects of life. It is for this reason the INTJs of the world need to take a break from their projects, and enjoy life for the sake of enjoying it. Furthermore, not everything has to be solved, in fact, not everything is intended to be solved. Let some things go and take a break!

From the internal world

INTJ’s can easily get wrapped up in their internal world. For this reason, the INTJ may be difficult to get to know. Taking a break from this internal thought process will help the INTJ learn connection with others and will help them to see the importance of developing meaningful relationships, which is important for all humans, even INTJs.

If you relate to the INTJ personality type, my suggestion would be to use those research skills and learn the value of connection, relationship, and intimacy. But you can’t just learn it, you must practice it too!! Practice being empathetic to help you develop a healthy boundary with your internal world. Gaining knowledge and collecting data is probably one of the INTJs most valuable qualities, however if they do not nurture themselves by getting out of their own heads every once in a while, they may become closed off, stand offish, and too difficult to get to know.

Get out more

Taking a break and getting out more go hand in hand for the INTJ. If Solomon would’ve spent more time developing the father-son bond, rather than participating in his life long journey to find fulfillment, perhaps Rehoboam would’ve been a healthier person, which would’ve affected the whole nation; perhaps Solomon would’ve been a more fulfilled person.

If Solomon would’ve taken a break and gotten out of his head more, maybe when he wrote about the wife of his youth and the duty of all mankind, he would’ve been able to model the appropriate behavior. He would’ve been able to show everyone around him why idols and magic and all of the weird pleasures he pursued were not worth it.

Maybe if he would’ve gotten out more, the nation would have been more stable. He needed to get out of his own head, and focus on the mind of God. There is a difference between earthly wisdom and spiritual wisdom.

And get physical

INTJs may run the risk (in unhealthy states) of letting their bodies not get the appropriate care. Because they may neglect their physical needs in favour of fulfilling the internal desire for “solving the puzzle” or getting the solution, they may forget to exercise, downplay the importance of fresh air, and/ or neglect eating or hygiene routines.

Take the time to get out. Be aware of how much time you are spending on various task and add balance in the form of exercise and movement. Find ways to incorporate your natural curiosity and love for knowledge in to an exercise routine. Get out and get physical!!

And lead by example

It’s one thing to know what to do, but it’s another thing to actually take action and do what you’ve learned. Solomon knew what to do: Don’t forget the wife of your youth, stay away from evil, hearken unto your father’s wise words, fear God, keep His commandments…but did he actually demonstrate DOING these things?

No, I see no indication that he did.

It’s one thing to know right, it’s another to do right.

INTJ’s can really get swept away with this one because they are so curious and can be deeply intellectual. It’s important to be aware of yourself, the knowledge you are accumulating, and the recommendations you are providing to others. Knowledge is not power if you don’t actually use it.

Be sure to get out and DO IT.

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