Love Yourself

When we love God, we understand that we have intrinsic value.

Luke 12:24-27

We are made in His image.

Gen 1:26

We can love ourselves because God made us in His image.

Gen 1:26, Luke 12:24

We can know our value by looking at God’s word.

John 3:16; 1 John 3:16

His Word teaches us how to love ourselves in a way that will help us achieve peace and contentment in this world.

John 10:10

Love yourself by following His word and staying connected to your intrinsic value.

1 Peter 5:6-7

He has given us His word to know how to love ourselves.

Pro 19:8; Eph 5:29-30

Explore all things mental and emotional health in a way that lines up with God’s word to help you achieve peace and contentment on your path toward eternity.

1 Tim 6:6; Pro 3:1-2

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